FORM A-001

Today I have completed my four memorable years at my current job. And I have received my 'anniversary' present too, by those for whom I dedicated my life when I decided this profession for life. I want to fill this official form for all my students. Hope you will like it. With love, your sir.

Filling Date: 04.11.12

Form A-001 (Formal Apology Form) Official Notice

To: All my students and their parents
From: Your sir and unbiased teacher

It has come to my attention that my action of Additional support in studies and moral issues via Internet could be seen as burdening, annoying, selfish, and biased support. I never intended to over burden, or support personal gains or having false intentions. I want you to understand I was merely trying to save precious school time, supporting for tailor made needs, last minute support during exams, an effort to build healthy relation with students, and make them responsible for their studies, though I can see now that it may appear that I was having false intentions for girl students, want to leak papers to certain students, and I am biased for students who contact me online as I 'don't give' marks to students who don't interact online with me.
Please accept my heartfelt and sincere apology.
Moving forward, I will attempt to make such after school interactions limited and purely optional, those who want to avail those are most welcome (in form of email, personal chats, blogs and facebook pages).
That said, I would very much appreciate it if you clear all such doubts me of being biased or spoiling students.

Sincerely, your teacher, Navdeep Singh.

Excuses: I didn't know it bothered you.
I feel: Sorry
Please: Forget it ever happened.

Based on Form A-001.